CRO Shavuot Siyyum 2021

Once Again for Shavuot the Ramath Orah Community will be learning the entire Torah together!

Following last year's success, the Ramath Orah Community will once again be learning the entire Torah together before Shavuot! Each individual/group/family can choose a parasha to learn before Shavuot. On the first day of Shavuot (May 17) we will meet at shul and celebrate our siyyum on the Torah together as a community before Chag Matan Torah.

Choose a parasha from the list below and start learning!

To join this siyum of Chumash, please check the relevant parshas, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 6 Sivan 5781 (Monday, May 17, 2021) sundown.

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current signup list


Bereishit (146) Noach (153) Lech Lecha (126)
Vayera (147) Chayei Sarah (105) Toldot (106)
Vayetzei (148) Vayishlach (154) Vayeshev (112)
Miketz (147) Vayigash (106) Vayechi (85)


Shemot (124) Vaeira (121) Bo (105)
Beshalach (116) Yitro (72) Mishpatim (118)
Terumah (96) Tetzaveh (101) Ki Tisa (139)
Vayakhel (122) Pekudei (92)  


Vayikra (111) Tzav (96) Shemini (91)
Tazria (67) Metzora (90) Acharei Mot (80)
Kedoshim (64) Emor (124) Behar (57)
Bechukotai (78)   


Bamidbar (159) Nasso (176) Behaalotcha (136)
Shlach Lecha (119) Korach (95) Chukat (87)
Balak (104) Pinchas (168) Matot (112)
Masei (132)   


Devarim (105) Vaetchanan (118) Eikev (111)
Re-eh (126) Shoftim (97) Ki Teitzei (110)
Ki Tavo (122) Nitzavim (40) Vayeilech (30)
Haazinu (52) Zot HaBracha (41)  

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Current Signups

1Andrew E NagelKorach
1Ari GoldmanVayishlach
1Ariel FishmanTzav
1Lilah FishmanBechukotai
1Ariella Goldstein Hoenig & Aryeh HoenigBo
1Arnold FranklinShoftim
1Aviad BodnerEmor
1Adina YoffieVaetchanan
3Z. EdingerRe-eh, Ki Teitzei, Shlach
1Idit De CastroKi Tavo
1Daniel VictorShemot
3AnonymousBehaalotcha, Vayakhel, Shemini
1David SteinbergLech Lecha
1Dimitry EkshtutBereishit
1Dan RothChukat
1Ephraim ShapiroVayetzei
3Evelyn CohenNitzavim, Pekudei, Balak
1Ann GoldhirschVayigash
1Hayyim ObadyahDevarim
1Jennifer HorowitzVayechi
1Jennifer ZwiebelToldot
1Jessica JobanekNoach
1Laura MahalelVayikra
2Beth MoritzMetzora, Tazria
4Malka StrasbergHaazinu, Masei, Zot HaBracha, Matot
2MarkKi Tisa, Tetzaveh
1Meredith SchizerVayeilech
1Abigail MillerChayei Sarah
1Moriah RothenbergVayera
1Eli VBamidbar
1Moshe GrussgottTerumah
1Eric PlaksMishpatim
1Rachel CummingsBehar
1Robert L CohenPinchas
1Robert SacksEikev
1Rabbi Saul & Shellee BermanYitro
1Seth MandlVayeshev
1Jonathan SiegelBeshalach
1Nina KerzhnerVaeira
1Valerie ChanaNasso
2Wendy BotuckKedoshim, Acharei Mot
      42 people signed up for 54 parshas   export



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