OSTT Siyum Hatorah, in memory of Seth Winter (Shet Yaakov ben Chaim Lazer)

At Mt. Sinai the Jewish people came together as one to receive the Torah. This Shavuot, we will join together as one to complete all five books of the Torah.

To join this siyum of Chumash, please check the relevant parshas, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 7 Sivan 5781 (Tuesday, May 18, 2021) sundown.

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Bereishit (146) Noach (153) Lech Lecha (126)
Vayera (147) Chayei Sarah (105) Toldot (106)
Vayetzei (148) Vayishlach (154) Vayeshev (112)
Miketz (147) Vayigash (106) Vayechi (85)


Shemot (124) Vaeira (121) Bo (105)
Beshalach (116) Yitro (72) Mishpatim (118)
Terumah (96) Tetzaveh (101) Ki Tisa (139)
Vayakhel (122) Pekudei (92)  


Vayikra (111) Tzav (96) Shemini (91)
Tazria (67) Metzora (90) Acharei Mot (80)
Kedoshim (64) Emor (124) Behar (57)
Bechukotai (78)   


Bamidbar (159) Nasso (176) Behaalotcha (136)
Shlach Lecha (119) Korach (95) Chukat (87)
Balak (104) Pinchas (168) Matot (112)
Masei (132)   


Devarim (105) Vaetchanan (118) Eikev (111)
Re-eh (126) Shoftim (97) Ki Teitzei (110)
Ki Tavo (122) Nitzavim (40) Vayeilech (30)
Haazinu (52) Zot HaBracha (41)  

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Current Signups

1Adam KirshonVayechi
1Adam LombardoMiketz
1Adise familyBeshalach
1Alicia LombardoNitzavim
3anonymousMetzora, Tazria, Masei
1Ben-Horin FamilyBereishit
1Chaya and Yaeli Ben-HorinVayeilech
1Deborah RunkleAcharei Mot
2Ed & Janice FoxKedoshim, Emor
1Elyakim Milikowsky and FamilyKorach
1Fred WolprrtBalak
1Shmuel GabaiToldot
1Henry S WinterTetzaveh
1Dickenson FamilyDevarim
1Jeffrey EllenbogenShemini
1Joe & Rebecca GautieriYitro
1Jonathan GoldEikev
2Jen and Josh UdlerLech Lecha, Zot HaBracha
1Keta Joy JohnsonShoftim
1Malka and Shmuel BenshirBamidbar
1Marc and Meira MeltzerVayishlach
1Michael ShieldsShlach
1Michal KatzChukat
2Moshe KatzMatot, Vayikra
1Moshe ShieldsKi Teitzei
1Noach WebbHaazinu
1Nossi ShieldsNasso
1Paul creegerVayera
1Steve creegerBo
1Philip PohlVayeshev
1Reuven GoldRe-eh
1Rivka ShieldsTzav
1Robert LeveneVaetchanan
1Rachel and Talia RobinsonMishpatim
1Moshe RobinsonTerumah
1Shaina Gold & Aaron HallivisShemot
1Shana & Ariella MannesChayei Sarah
2Rabbi MilikowskyVayakhel, Pekudei
1Shmuel RobinsonBehaalotcha
1Stephanie Kirshon & Liba RappaportKi Tisa
1Stuart StahlerPinchas
1Avraham RappaportVayetzei
1Wendy & Henry WinterNoach
1Yaakov RobinsonBehar
2Aharon ShieldsKi Tavo, Bechukotai
1Rachael and Yitzi ShieldsVayigash
1Zac & Jonah MannesVaeira
      47 people signed up for 54 parshas   export



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