Learn for Micho'el Dovid Ben Shaul V'Miriam (M. David Berezin-Bahr)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit

As the recitation of Kaddish ends and the first yurtzeit approaches in one month, on 23 Av, we would like to keep elevating the neshama of Micho'el Dovid ben Shaul v'Miriam, David Berezin-Bahr, through the learning of Mishna. We have chosen Seder Moed as we are all invited to think about how marking time in different significant ways not only impacts our calendars but adds value to our lives.
We greatly appreciated the submissions of reflections from your learning for the shloshim --- how the Torah you learned or the process of learning it evoked aspects of our father in some way. If you are moved as such, please submit reflections to nberezinbahr@yeshivatmaharat.org in advance of the yahrtzeit. Regardless, we are deeply grateful for your learning l'ilui nishmaso.
During this bein hametzarim time period, may we all merit transitioning מאבל ליום טוב with true redemption. אמן סלה

To join this siyum of Mishna, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 22 Av 5783 (Wednesday, August 09, 2023) sundown.

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√ ch.1 - Shoava
√ ch.2 - Shoava
√ ch.3 - Ari Edelstein
√ ch.4 - Ari Edelstein
√ ch.5 - Fred Lotwin
√ ch.6 - Fred Lotwin
√ ch.7 - Naima And Samuel Gelman
√ ch.8 - Naima And Samuel Gelman
√ ch.9 - Naima And Samuel Gelman
√ ch.10 - Reena “Riblit” Papir
√ ch.11 - Reena “Riblit” Papir
√ ch.12 - Uri Westrich, Elisha Finman
√ ch.13 - Uri Westrich, Elisha Finman
√ ch.14 - Elisha Finman
√ ch.15 - Elisha Finman
√ ch.16 - Elisha Finman
√ ch.17 - Elisha Finman
√ ch.18 - Elisha Finman
√ ch.19 - Elisha Finman
√ ch.20 - Elisha Finman
√ ch.21 - Elisha Finman
√ ch.22 - Elisha Finman
√ ch.23 - Elisha Finman
√ ch.24 - Elisha Finman
√ ch.1 - Sofia Freudenstein
√ ch.2 - Sofia Freudenstein
√ ch.3 - Yael Landman
√ ch.4 - Yael Landman
√ ch.5 - Marcel Rotenberg
√ ch.6 - Marcel Rotenberg
√ ch.7 - Marcel Rotenberg
√ ch.8 - Aaarea Rug FM
√ ch.9 - Shlomo Preiss-Bloom
√ ch.10 - Shlomo Preiss-Bloom
√ ch.1 - Meir Mondrow
√ ch.2 - Meir Mondrow
√ ch.3 - Meir Mondrow
√ ch.4 - Miki
√ ch.5 - Miki
√ ch.6 - Miki
√ ch.7 - Miki
√ ch.8 - Miki
√ ch.9 - Miki
√ ch.10 - Miki
√ ch.1 - Robert Alan Davis
√ ch.2 - Robert Alan Davis
√ ch.3 - Robert Alan Davis
√ ch.4 - Robert Alan Davis
√ ch.5 - Robert Alan Davis
√ ch.6 - Robert Alan Davis
√ ch.7 - Robert Alan Davis
√ ch.8 - Robert Alan Davis
√ ch.1 - Talia Kirshenbaum & Jina Davidovich
√ ch.2 - Talia Kirshenbaum & Jina Davidovich
√ ch.3 - Raquel Schreiber
√ ch.4 - Yaffa And Shimmy
√ ch.5 - Yaffa And Shimmy
√ ch.6 - Sarah Rosenberg
√ ch.7 - Sarah Rosenberg
√ ch.8 - Sarah Rosenberg
√ ch.1 - Jenny And Asher
√ ch.2 - Jenny And Asher
√ ch.3 - Jenny And Asher
√ ch.4 - Jenny And Asher
√ ch.5 - Jenny And Asher
√ ch.1 - Michael Franklin
√ ch.2 - Michael Franklin
√ ch.3 - Michael Franklin
√ ch.4 - Michael Franklin
√ ch.5 - Michael Franklin
Rosh Hashanah
√ ch.1 - Robbae
√ ch.2 - Robbae
√ ch.3 - Robbae
√ ch.4 - Robbae
√ ch.1 - Michael Franklin
√ ch.2 - Michael Franklin
√ ch.3 - Michael Franklin
√ ch.4 - Michael Franklin
√ ch.1 - Avi Baron
√ ch.2 - Avi Baron
√ ch.3 - R Tali Schaum
√ ch.4 - R Tali Schaum
Moed Katan
√ ch.1 - David Moskowitz
√ ch.2 - David Moskowitz
√ ch.3 - David Moskowitz
√ ch.1 - Jeff And Talia Rosenblum
√ ch.2 - Jeff And Talia Rosenblum
√ ch.3 - Jeff And Talia Rosenblum

Seder Nashim (disabled)

Seder Nezikim (disabled)

Seder Kodashim (disabled)

Seder Taharos (disabled)

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Current Signups

1Aaarea Rug FMEruvin chapter 8
2Avi BaronMegillah chapters 1-2
9Michael FranklinBeitzah chapters 1-5; Taanis chapters 1-4
3David MoskowitzMoed Katan chapters 1-3
13Elisha FinmanShabbos chapters 12-24
3Jeff and Talia RosenblumChagigah chapters 1-3
2Fred LotwinShabbos chapters 5-6
5Jenny and AsherSukkah chapters 1-5
2Talia Kirshenbaum & Jina DavidovichYoma chapters 1-2
3Marcel RotenbergEruvin chapters 5-7
3Meir mondrowPesachim chapters 1-3
7mikiPesachim chapters 4-10
3Naima and Samuel GelmanShabbos chapters 7-9
2R Tali SchaumMegillah chapters 3-4
1Raquel SchreiberYoma chapter 3
2Reena “Riblit” PapirShabbos chapters 10-11
4RobbaeRosh Hashanah chapters 1-4
8Robert Alan DavisShekalim chapters 1-8
3Sarah RosenbergYoma chapters 6-8
2Shlomo Preiss-BloomEruvin chapters 9-10
2shoavaShabbos chapters 1-2
2Sofia FreudensteinEruvin chapters 1-2
2Uri WestrichShabbos chapters 12-13
2Ari EdelsteinShabbos chapters 3-4
2Yael LandmanEruvin chapters 3-4
2Yaffa and ShimmyYoma chapters 4-5
      26 people signed up for 90 chapters   export



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