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Shloshim/ Yartzheit

סיום אשר אנשיל בן יצחק, כג אדר תשפא

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Assignment should be completed bli neder by 23 Adar 5781 (Sunday, March 07, 2021) sundown.

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Berachos (9) Peah (8) Demai (7)
Kilaim (9) Sheviis (10) Terumos (11)
Maasros (5) Maaser Sheini (5) Challah (4)
Orlah (3) Bikkurim (4)  


Shabbos (24) Eruvin (10) Pesachim (10)
Shekalim (8) Yoma (8) Sukkah (5)
Beitzah (5) Rosh Hashanah (4) Taanis (4)
Megillah (4) Moed Katan (3) Chagigah (3)


Yevamos (16) Kesuvos (13) Nedarim (11)
Nazir (9) Sotah (9) Gittin (9)
Kiddushin (4)   


Bava Kamma (10) Bava Metzia (10) Bava Basra (10)
Sanhedrin (11) Makkos (3) Shevuos (8)
Edyos (8) Avodah Zarah (5) Avot (6)
Horayos (3)   


Zevahim (14) Menahos (13) Hullin (12)
Bechoros (9) Arakhin (9) Temurah (7)
Kerisos (6) Meilah (6) Tamid (7)
Middos (5) Kinnim (3)  


Keilim (30) Ohalos (18) Negaim (14)
Parah (12) Taharos (10) Mikvaos (10)
Niddah (10) Machshirin (6) Zavim (5)
Tevul Yom (4) Yadayim (4) Uktzin (3)

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Current Signups

1Kalmen GruberBeitzah
1Yanky (Ben Yosef)gruberShevuos
1Avrohom LebovitzPesachim
1Daniel frohlichTerumos
2Edan CohenOrlah, Sotah
1Elad CohenChallah
1Eluzer GruberParah
9Ethan LebowitzKesuvos, Zevahim, Temurah, Machshirin, Zavim, Tevul Yom, Yadayim, Uktzin, Nedarim
1Mordche (Ben Yosef) GruberEruvin
1Shmiel GruberMikvaos
3Hemi ben laviPeah, Menahos, Hullin
1Hershel GanzMeilah
1Zevy Br’ Yitzchok LebovitzGittin
1Yidel Br’ Yitzchok LebovitzBava Kamma
1Isaac LebovitzMegillah
4menachem y gruberKeilim, Ohalos, Negaim, Taharos
1Michael KahnAvot
1Nathan LiebermanKiddushin
1Anchie LebovitsSukkah
1Ori MoskowRosh Hashanah
3Yossi GruberBava Metzia, Bava Basra, Sanhedrin
1Mendy (Ben Yosef) gruberMaaser Sheini
1Sam LebovitzShabbos
1Shimpshi JacobAvodah Zarah
1Shmiel HoffmanTamid
1Shlomo LipmanYoma
2Sidney LebowitzNazir, Maasros
2Wolf GruberEdyos, Horayos
3Binyumin GruberTaanis, Moed Katan, Yevamos
1Yidel LebovitzChagigah
2יצחק גרובערDemai, Bikkurim
1Yitzi SingerShekalim
1Yakov Ben Yoel GruberShevuos
3Yoel GruberBechoros, Arakhin
1Yumi FeigBerachos
3גבי בן לביאKerisos, Middos, Kinnim
1יוסף אביגדור בן לביאMakkos
2עזריאל לביאKilaim, Sheviis
      39 people signed up for 65 Tractates   export



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