Learn for Feiga Bas Mordechai (Feiga Bandos)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit

לימוד משניות עבור פייגע בת מרדכי -פייגע בנדוס

Feiga Bandos was mother of: Marcus Bandos, Helen Breslow, and Marilyn Broder.

Due to the fact that the shiva was right before Pesach we were unable to coordinate the learning until now. Please try to make an effort to learn even though there are only 2 weeks left until the calendar Shloshim.

May the learning be an elevation for her neshama.

Thank you very much

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Assignment should be completed bli neder by 2 Iyyar 5781 (Wednesday, April 14, 2021) sundown.

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I hope my signing in that I completed bikkurim came through. Sue g
Sue Ginsburg, 7 months ago

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