Shavuot Learning in Memory of Donny Morris

Once every perek is reserved, you can still sign up for what you would like to learn. Please double and triple up on the perakim. Our goal is to be marbim b'Torah in Donny's memory.

To join this siyum of Tanach, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 7 Sivan 5781 (Tuesday, May 18, 2021) sundown.

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(1 full signup + 62 additional tanach chapters)

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Bereishis (53/50 106%)
Shmos (40/40 100%)
Vayikra (27/27 100%)
Bamidbar (36/36 100%)
Devarim (34/34 100%)


Yehoshua (24/24 100%)
Shoftim (21/21 100%)
Shmuel 1 (36/31 116.1%)
Shmuel 2 (24/24 100%)
Melachim 1 (25/22 113.6%)
Melachim 2 (25/25 100%)
Yeshaya (68/66 103%)
Yirmiya (56/52 107.7%)
Yechezkel (55/48 114.6%)
Hoshea (14/14 100%)
Yoel (4/4 100%)
Amos (9/9 100%)
Ovadia (1/1 100%)
Yona (4/4 100%)
Micha (7/7 100%)
Nachum (3/3 100%)
Chavakuk (3/3 100%)
Tzefania (3/3 100%)
Chagai (2/2 100%)
Zecharia (14/14 100%)
Malachi (3/3 100%)


Tehilim (166/150 110.7%)
Mishlei (36/31 116.1%)
Iyov (42/42 100%)
Daniel (16/12 133.3%)
Ezra (10/10 100%)
Nechemia (13/13 100%)
Shir Hashirim (8/8 100%)
Ruth (9/4 225%)
Eicha (5/5 100%)
Koheles (12/12 100%)
Esther (15/10 150%)
Divrei Hayamim 1 (29/29 100%)
Divrei Hayamim 2 (39/36 108.3%)

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Current Signups

1Abie StelzerVayikra chapter 20
5Addi Zolty, Maayan Koenig, Emma SusmanYirmiya chapters 28-29, 31, 38-39
4Gabriella WolfVayikra chapters 24-27
4Shira TeichmanYeshaya chapters 40-43
2Addie CoatesYirmiya chapters 43-44
3alberto attarYechezkel chapters 15-17
3Alex ScharfYirmiya chapters 40-42
9Aliza WeinbergYoel chapters 1-4; Tehilim chapters 146-150
5Alyssa KirschShmuel 1 chapters 21-25
12Amalya KnappYirmiya chapters 11-14; Tehilim chapters 60-67
2Assi AmosYeshaya chapters 21-22
3Stephen GelbDivrei Hayamim 2 chapters 14-16
3Eliana BirmanYechezkel chapters 5-7
3Ayelet NemetskiYirmiya chapters 25, 27, 52
9Ayelet TkatchShmos chapters 1-4; Esther chapters 1-5
2Batsheva OhayonShmos chapters 37-38
31Ben BilligBereishis chapters 36-37, 41-48; Yehoshua chapters 6-24; Shmuel 2 chapters 9-10
5ben fisherBereishis chapters 31-35
4Ben MantellYechezkel chapters 11-14
54Beni RommHoshea chapters 1-14; Amos chapters 1-9; Micha chapters 1-7; Tzefania chapters 1-3; Chagai chapters 1-2; Zecharia chapters 1-14; Mishlei chapters 19-23
4Beverly GellerRuth chapters 1-4
23Rachel GelbEzra chapters 1-10; Nechemia chapters 1-13
12Daniel BendavidDaniel chapters 1-12
17CobyYeshaya chapters 50-66
1Dani MinkoveOvadia chapter 1
8Danielle DruckShmuel 1 chapters 13-20
6Danielle MeroMelachim 2 chapters 10-15
2Danielle TamirBereishis chapters 15-16
5Daniel LewShmuel 1 chapters 27-31
3David kirschBamidbar chapters 1-3
4David SherYirmiya chapters 19-22
3Becky WolfVayikra chapters 15-17
2Eliana WolfMishlei chapters 24-25
2C WeissmanMelachim 2 chapters 1-2
4Eliora GissingerIyov chapters 1-4
10Evan haimmYeshaya chapters 6-15
12Elza KosloweShmos chapters 31-34; Yirmiya chapters 15-18; Mishlei chapters 28-31
10Shoshana ChanalesMelachim 2 chapters 16-25
5Ariel SchabesShmuel 1 chapters 11-12; Melachim 1 chapters 8-10
1Esther GenuthMishlei chapter 7
10Estie & Eric RuskinMishlei chapters 8-17
3Ethan ZadoffMalachi chapters 1-3
5Evie GutloveEicha chapters 1-5
10Falik familyEsther chapters 1-10
3Gabrielle greenShmos chapters 7-9
2Gavriel WeinsteinMishlei chapters 26-27
3Gitty EisnerYirmiya chapters 3-5
11Sam WartelskyShmos chapters 19-25; Yona chapters 1-4
6Hanna KarbenYeshaya chapters 44-49
2HilaryBereishis chapters 29-30
1AnonymousBereishis chapter 1
5Marilyn MeyersMishlei chapters 1-5
1Iliana MannShmos chapter 11
1Isaac GdanskiMishlei chapter 6
6Isaac HorowitzShmuel 1 chapters 26-31
38Isabel and MaitalIyov chapters 5-42
5Isabella HorowitzYeshaya chapters 1-5
4Jacob RothmanDivrei Hayamim 2 chapters 17-20
2Javier V DiazShmos chapters 39-40
8Jodi JoffeShir Hashirim chapters 1-8
5Joel HymanYeshaya chapters 28-32
3Joel MizrahiYechezkel chapters 8-10
3Joey SmallDivrei Hayamim 2 chapters 17-19
1Jonathan MannShmos chapter 10
5jordana koppelShmos chapters 26-30
2Joshua CometYirmiya chapters 30, 37
14Joshua WaldBamidbar chapters 7-20
7Juju Freilich and Becca EisenbergerYechezkel chapters 18-24
3Karen GoldscheiderDivrei Hayamim 2 chapters 34-36
5karen lopataTehilim chapters 1-5
16kayla hollerBereishis chapters 17-25; Tehilim chapters 40-46
5Kinneret CooperDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 1-5
9Kira Elbaum and Sarina ShieldsShmuel 2 chapters 16-24
20kira reichmanYechezkel chapters 18-24, 33, 37-48
2Kira SolomonYirmiya chapters 26-27
2Lauren BursteinVayikra chapters 6-7
3Leah RothYeshaya chapters 33-35
2Leila TilemYirmiya chapters 23-24
3Leora MoskovichDivrei Hayamim 2 chapters 11-13
1Liana TareYirmiya chapter 45
3Liat PolinskyYirmiya chapters 8-10
24Lisa BaronShmuel 1 chapters 1-10; Tehilim chapters 17-30
5Lizzie KohlDivrei Hayamim 2 chapters 1-5
23Maya TrattYechezkel chapters 25-32; Divrei Hayamim 1 chapters 6-20
7LGTehilim chapters 139-145
4MGMelachim 2 chapters 6-9
7Mindy ReissShmos chapters 12-18
2Miriam and Naomi zaiderDaniel chapters 11-12
2Miriam RennaYirmiya chapters 32-33
13Molly zaghaDivrei Hayamim 2 chapters 21-33
1Isaac LichterMishlei chapter 18
5Brooke KohlYirmiya chapters 47-51
1Ploni AlmoniBereishis chapter 38
8Rachel BesserShmuel 2 chapters 1-8
2Rachel levyYeshaya chapters 23-24
34Racheli SchachterDevarim chapters 1-34
7Rami KirschMelachim 1 chapters 1-7
9Roniel WeinbergDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 21-29
5sahrena londonYeshaya chapters 23-27
21Sam HilbertShoftim chapters 1-21
2Sammy BergerShmos chapters 35-36
4Sammy HaberYechezkel chapters 1-4
2Sarah FeitYirmiya chapters 28-29
96Sarina ShieldsTehilim chapters 31-59, 68-119, 131-145
11Josh KnollMelachim 1 chapters 12-22
4Sarit GreenwoodYirmiya chapters 1-2, 6-7
12Ira MillerKoheles chapters 1-12
3Shifra BendheimBereishis chapters 2-4
5Shimon MurcianoMishlei chapters 1-5
11Shira KorenmanTehilim chapters 120-130
7Shira KronenbergBereishis chapters 31-32; Shmos chapters 5-6; Yirmiya chapters 34-36
1Shulamit and Avram HolzerRuth chapter 1
1Sophia HellerYirmiya chapter 46
1Sophia KohnYirmiya chapter 25
5Temira KoenigVayikra chapters 1-5
5Sury KaminetskyYeshaya chapters 16-20
4Talya KoenigRuth chapters 1-4
5Tamar SilberscheinVayikra chapters 8-12
2Tova SmallVayikra chapters 13-14
8Tamar RosenfeldBereishis chapters 26-28; Bamidbar chapters 5-6; Melachim 1 chapters 8-10
5Elana KaveshBamidbar chapters 21-25
5JonathanDivrei Hayamim 2 chapters 6-10
1Rebecca KermaierBereishis chapter 24
5Yael GoldfischerShmuel 2 chapters 11-15
2Yaffa YermishTehilim chapters 127, 146
3Yair ShahakChavakuk chapters 1-3
18Yakira SchonbrunBereishis chapters 5-11; Tehilim chapters 6-16
14Shoshana SchwarzBereishis chapters 12-14, 39-40, 49-50; Melachim 1 chapter 11; Yechezkel chapters 34-36; Nachum chapters 1-3
12Yonina WeinbergBamidbar chapters 4, 26-36
2Sara WiesenfeldDaniel chapters 1-2
2aeVayikra chapters 18-19
5Zach GoldYehoshua chapters 1-5
3Zachary RothblattVayikra chapters 21-23
3NZMelachim 2 chapters 3-5
4LianaYeshaya chapters 36-39
      135 people signed up for 991 chapters   export



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