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Shloshim/ Yartzheit
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Shoftim (21/21 100%)
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Mishlei (31/31 100%)
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6Adina LeiferShmuel 1 chapters 1-6
12Aliza (Yablok) HirschTehilim chapters 17-21, 24-30
17Tehilah and Tzipporah YablokTehilim chapters 22-23, 120, 122-134, 137
11Ari and Gavi YablokShmos chapters 5-9, 11-16
14Ari LeiferHoshea chapters 1-14
9Asher HoffmanAmos chapters 1-9
5ashi chanalesEicha chapters 1-5
25Aura KlavanVayikra chapters 3-5; Devarim chapters 1-7; Yirmiya chapters 1-7; Tehilim chapters 31-34, 41-44
8Avery JoelDevarim chapters 8-15
5Avigayil marylesDivrei Hayamim 2 chapters 1-5
10Aviva YablokTehilim chapters 45-54
3Ayelet YablokMalachi chapters 1-3
9Zaide YablokTehilim chapters 135-136, 138-144
38Ben BirnbaumYirmiya chapters 16-28; Zecharia chapters 7-14; Mishlei chapters 15-31
32Bini MarylesIyov chapters 11-42
10Binny CasperMelachim 2 chapters 1-10
34Chana and Yonatan ShefaVayikra chapters 1-2; Bamidbar chapters 5-36
7Chayim MazaYirmiya chapters 9-15
4Daniel StokarBereishis chapters 47-50
22Popper FamilyShmos chapters 18-31, 33-40
5David GlazerBereishis chapters 11-15
2David schwartzMishlei chapters 11-12
2Doni MarderZecharia chapters 5-6
4Dovi BayerBamidbar chapters 1-4
1Dovi SamterShmos chapter 32
10Elie SprungYeshaya chapters 21-30
13Rina KlavanShmuel 1 chapters 7-9; Tehilim chapters 7-16
5Esther D JoelDevarim chapters 16-20
10Esther KlavanMishlei chapters 1-10
1Esther LaskyYirmiya chapter 8
9Alden LeiferVayikra chapters 19-27
24Evie leiferShmuel 2 chapters 1-24
3Freida KohnBereishis chapters 16-18
4Leah and IraYona chapters 1-4
24Isaac CasperYehoshua chapters 1-24
4israel wertentheilVayikra chapters 8-11
1Jeremy GlassShmos chapter 17
4Jon BodnerZecharia chapters 1-4
22Jonah LeiferIyov chapters 1-10; Koheles chapters 1-12
12Jordana SchoorShmuel 1 chapters 26-31; Nachum chapters 1-3; Tzefania chapters 1-3
21Josh HauserShoftim chapters 1-21
7Shuie KlavanMicha chapters 1-7
3JSChavakuk chapters 1-3
10KormanBereishis chapters 1-10
36Lance CarrYeshaya chapters 31-66
3Leah KlavanDevarim chapters 32-34
4Leora youngerwoodShmos chapters 1-4
10Lisa BaronEsther chapters 1-10
30Marty SchiffmillerDivrei Hayamim 2 chapters 7-36
5Medinah PopperTehilim chapters 145-149
29Michael GewirtzDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 1-29
24Mike skoczylasYirmiya chapters 29-52
8Mimi SamterShir Hashirim chapters 1-8
23Mira StokarEzra chapters 1-10; Nechemia chapters 1-13
9Amitzur FamilyBereishis chapters 38-46
4Miriam amitzurRuth chapters 1-4
1Moshe SamterShmos chapter 10
6MyrnaDevarim chapters 26-31
2Naomi MarylesMishlei chapters 13-14
6Nechama KonigsbergTehilim chapters 35-40
12Rabbi Yaacov SchwartzTehilim chapters 91-94, 106-112, 118
13Rhonnie HauserBereishis chapters 19-30; Ovadia chapter 1
5Richard JoelDevarim chapters 21-25
2Sarah Roer BendheimsChagai chapters 1-2
7Schwartz FamilyBereishis chapters 31-37
4Shai KohnYoel chapters 1-4
10Sharon AdattoTehilim chapters 55-64
20Sheldon ChanalesYeshaya chapters 1-20
26Shimshon KaplanTehilim chapters 65-90
4Shira GlassVayikra chapters 12-15
12Shlomo HDaniel chapters 1-12
11Shoshana and NavaMelachim 1 chapters 1-11
5Spug FriedmanShmuel 1 chapters 21-25
11Suzanne StokarTehilim chapters 95-105
6Talya JacobsShmuel 1 chapters 15-20
19Tamar feldmanMelachim 2 chapters 11-25; Tehilim chapters 4-6, 150
5Tani bayerShmuel 1 chapters 10-14
1The Linkwald'sDivrei Hayamim 2 chapter 6
12Tova ChanalesMelachim 1 chapters 12-14; Tehilim chapters 1-3, 113-117, 121
8Tova and ElissaMelachim 1 chapters 15-22
2yVayikra chapters 6-7
1TendlerTehilim chapter 119
48yael leibowitzYechezkel chapters 1-48
3Yehuda SamterVayikra chapters 16-18
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