Honor Israel's Fallen

Learn in Honor of Israel's Fallen

As we prepare to joyously celebrate the 71th anniversary of Israel, we must remember that without the 23,632 soldiers and security forces who sacrificed their lives defending and protecting our land, we would not be privileged to celebrate Yom HaAtmaut. We are obligated to perpetuate their memory. (honorisraelsfallen.com)

Join the Young Israel of Jamaica Estates (yije.org), as we commemorate the memories of those soldiers by making a Siyum Tanach on Yom HaZikaron.

To join this siyum of Tanach, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 3 Iyyar 5779 (Wednesday, May 08, 2019) sundown.

Tanach Siyum is 83.6% Assigned
(777/929 chapters)

current signup list


Bereishit (50/50 100%)
Shmot (40/40 100%)
Vayikra (27/27 100%)
Bamidbar (36/36 100%)
Devarim (34/34 100%)


Yehoshua (24/24 100%)
Shoftim (21/21 100%)
Shmuel 1 (31/31 100%)
Shmuel 2 (24/24 100%)
Melachim 1 (22/22 100%)
Melachim 2 (25/25 100%)
Yeshaya (26/66 39.4%)
Yirmiya (52/52 100%)
Yechezkel (48/48 100%)
Hoshea (14/14 100%)
Yoel (4/4 100%)
Amos (9/9 100%)
Ovadia (1/1 100%)
Yona (4/4 100%)
Micha (7/7 100%)
Nachum (3/3 100%)
Chavakuk (3/3 100%)
Tzefania (3/3 100%)
Chagai (2/2 100%)
Zecharia (14/14 100%)
Malachi (3/3 100%)


Tehilim (92/150 61.3%)
Mishlei (31/31 100%)
Iyov (42/42 100%)
Daniel (12/12 100%)
Ezra (10/10 100%)
Nechemia (0/13 0%)
Shir Hashirim (8/8 100%)
Ruth (4/4 100%)
Eicha (5/5 100%)
Kohelet (12/12 100%)
Esther (10/10 100%)
Divrei Hayamim 1 (13/29 44.8%)
Divrei Hayamim 2 (11/36 30.6%)

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Current Signups

48Aaron KollerYechezkel chapters 1-48
4Aharon EtshalomRuth chapters 1-4
3Andrew DavidsonNachum chapters 1-3
108AnonymousBereishit chapters 1-6, 15, 17, 22, 45-50; Shmot chapters 3, 12-20, 25-40; Vayikra chapters 19-20, 25-26; Bamidbar chapters 5-6, 15, 19, 23-25, 33; Devarim chapters 4-7, 11, 26-34; Ovadia chapter 1; Chagai chapters 1-2; Tehilim chapters 6, 16, 32, 41-42, 59, 65, 67, 77, 79, 84, 90-91, 100, 105, 111, 117-119, 135-138, 145-150; Shir Hashirim chapters 1-8; Divrei Hayamim 2 chapter 36
12Ari LevineKohelet chapters 1-12
9Ariella EtshalomAmos chapters 1-9
12Ayal LevineYehoshua chapters 1-12
11Chani TraubeVayikra chapters 12-15, 27; Devarim chapters 12-14, 21-23
1Chanie ZahtzDivrei Hayamim 1 chapter 1
19Chavy BaronChavakuk chapters 1-3; Tehilim chapters 120-134, 142
13Debbie BermishBereishit chapters 12-14, 16, 18-21; Vayikra chapters 1-5
4Debbie PortnoyDevarim chapters 17-20
3Debbie RosensweigDevarim chapters 8-10
3Dror RosenfeldBamidbar chapters 26-28
76Elliot GoldofskyShmuel 1 chapters 1-31; Shmuel 2 chapters 1-24; Mishlei chapters 11-31
11hbYeshaya chapters 16-26
19Helen silvermanBamidbar chapters 20-22; Tehilim chapters 17-19, 21-29, 31, 33, 143-144
4Henry RosenbaumBamidbar chapters 29-32
2anonymousTehilim chapters 20, 30
7Ilana FriedmanTehilim chapters 34-40
9Jacob WiederTehilim chapters 7-15
3Jacques RothschildDevarim chapters 1-3
7Jane SchulmanMicha chapters 1-7
6Jay LiskerTzefania chapters 1-3; Malachi chapters 1-3
14Jesse RosenbaumZecharia chapters 1-14
14Zev BermanShmot chapters 1-2, 4-11, 21-24
2Yitzhak DoriDevarim chapters 15-16
2Judy DoriDevarim chapters 24-25
4Karen HochbergBereishit chapters 23-26
1Yehuda LabovitzTehilim chapter 76
1Mira LabovitzTehilim chapter 75
42Ken BigelIyov chapters 1-42
21Kovy EtshalomShoftim chapters 1-21
3LockermanBamidbar chapters 34-36
5Marc GoldmannEicha chapters 1-5
6Marian Stoltz-LoikeVayikra chapters 6-11
12Mark BienstockYehoshua chapters 13-24
32Michael AppelDaniel chapters 1-12; Divrei Hayamim 1 chapters 20-29; Divrei Hayamim 2 chapters 1-10
3West Hempstead ChaburaVayikra chapters 16-18
1Michael S. FasslerBamidbar chapter 8
2Michael SchreiberDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 2-3
15Michal LevineYeshaya chapters 1-15
18moshe boimBereishit chapters 27-44
6NFTehilim chapters 43-48
4Ora CanterVayikra chapters 21-24
10Rachelle AbramovitzEzra chapters 1-10
14Ronny HerskovitsBamidbar chapters 1-4, 7, 9-14, 16-18
10Ruth MerrillEsther chapters 1-10
5Sara BienstockBereishit chapters 7-11
10Shlomo HochbergMishlei chapters 1-10
5Shmuel GunsburgTehilim chapters 1-5
4Steven SommerYona chapters 1-4
14yair cohenHoshea chapters 1-14
52Yakov PerelYirmiya chapters 1-52
47Yitzchak EtshalomMelachim 1 chapters 1-22; Melachim 2 chapters 1-25
4Yossi EtshalomYoel chapters 1-4
      56 people signed up for 777 chapters   export



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