Learn for מורנו הרב אברהם מרדכי בן ישעיהו (Rabbi Alvin Marcus)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit

Please join in a communal effort to study all of Shas Mishnayos and Tanach in memory of our beloved Rabbi Emeritus. All learning should be completed by February 3, 2022 which will mark the Sheloshim for Rabbi Marcus.

To join this siyum, please check the relevant boxes, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 2 Adar I 5782 (Thursday, February 03, 2022) sundown.
2 siyums total

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(1 full signup + 2 additional tanach Books)

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Bereishis (50) Shmos (40) Vayikra (27)
Bamidbar (36) Devarim (34)  


Yehoshua (24) Shoftim (21) Shmuel 1 (31)
Shmuel 2 (24) Melachim 1 (22) Melachim 2 (25)
Yeshaya (66) Yirmiya (52) Yechezkel (48)
Hoshea (14) Yoel (4) Amos (9)
Ovadia (1) Yona (4) Micha (7)
Nachum (3) Chavakuk (3) Tzefania (3)
Chagai (2) Zecharia (14) Malachi (3)


Tehilim (150) Mishlei (31) Iyov (42)
Daniel (12) Ezra (10) Nechemia (13)
Shir Hashirim (8) Ruth (4) Eicha (5)
Koheles (12) Esther (10) Divrei Hayamim 1 (29)
Divrei Hayamim 2 (36)   

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Current Signups

1Abba WarshawBereishis
1Larry CohenYirmiya
1Andrea G BierNechemia
1Andrew YolinVayikra
1Judy LevitanEsther
1Arthur SchwartzYechezkel
2Arthur SchwartzYechezkel
1Jill GeigerTehilim
1Batya and Yael SharbatMelachim 2
1Bennett C DegenYoel
1Daniel AmsterChagai
1David SmallEicha
1Debbie BerlinerYeshaya
1deborah druceBamidbar
1Eitan LaubShir Hashirim
1Elliot jacobsDivrei Hayamim 1
2Esther StockMicha, Nachum
1Ethan E KraOvadia
1Gail NovickDaniel
1Howard WeiserKoheles
1Ilan RosenrauchShmos
1David GourionTzefania
1Jeff lichtmanHoshea
1Linda LaubDivrei Hayamim 2
1Linda SipznerShoftim
1Robert SipznerYehoshua
1Rachel HerseyIyov
1Richard KelinMelachim 1
1Robin AmsterRuth
1Robyn and Bruce ShoulsonShmuel 1
1Sharon VolkAmos
1Sheba MittelmanDevarim
1Sandy smallMalachi
1Sarit GreenwoodEzra
1shari faleckYona
1Staci ZeifMishlei
1Tali NovickChavakuk
1Tziporah and Sharon ZwicklerShmuel 2
1Eli NovickZecharia
      39 people signed up for 41 Books   export



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