Kehilas Bnei Yeshiva Chanukas Habayis
Dear Mispalalim,

We are excited to announce an upcoming milestone in the life of our Kehilla – the Chanukas HaBayis of our newly renovated shul! This is a momentous occasion, and we would love for you to participate in the celebration.

As part of the Chanukas HaBayis on Sunday, March 2nd, we will make a Siyum on Seder Nashim! We invite all members of the Kehilla to be mishtateif in learning 6-7 blatt of Gemara to help us finish. Please put your name below next to the blatt you wish to take. Thank you so much.
To join this siyum of Talmud Bavli, please check the relevant dafim, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 2 Adar 5785 (Sunday, March 02, 2025) sundown.

Talmud Bavli Siyum is 48.4% Assigned
(293/605 dafim)

current signup list

Seder Zeraim (disabled)

Seder Moed (disabled)


Yevamos (51/121 42.1%)
Kesuvos (41/111 36.9%)
Nedarim (56/90 62.2%)
Nazir (7/65 10.8%)
Sotah (48/48 100%)
Gittin (23/89 25.8%)
Kiddushin (67/81 82.7%)

Seder Nezikim (disabled)

Seder Kodashim (disabled)

Seder Taharos (disabled)

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Current Signups

6Aaron PaigeKiddushin dafim 54-59
6Aharon KahnKesuvos dafim 8-13
6Aharon LoitermanYevamos dafim 101-106
7Akiva GoldbergGittin dafim 2-8
4Aron rosskammKiddushin dafim 9-12
4Aryeh FriedmanKiddushin dafim 29-32
7meir priceKesuvos dafim 90-96
6Ben TeminKesuvos dafim 2-7
6Berel EpsteinYevamos dafim 2-7
8Chaim KomarowKiddushin dafim 33-40
6Danny solomonKiddushin dafim 41-46
13Shmuel KhoshnoodKesuvos dafim 41-53
9Matti LoitermanKesuvos dafim 18-26
10Meir SteinbrecherYevamos dafim 11-20
13Mordechai GoldmanNedarim dafim 32-44
13Moshe SchwartzYevamos dafim 53-65
7Nachum TwerskyKiddushin dafim 47-53
7Naftali weissNazir dafim 2-8
19Nesanel HorowitzNedarim dafim 13-31
7Pinney ElbaumKiddushin dafim 60-66
48Rabbi MeisterSotah dafim 2-49
6Shai MeyerowitzGittin dafim 15-20
6Shmuel Chaim BrodyGittin dafim 9-14
2Shukie krugKiddushin dafim 69-70
11Simcha RaczkowskiNedarim dafim 2-12
5Yaakov RibakowKiddushin dafim 24-28
13Yakov LangerNedarim dafim 79-91
7Yehuda RosenKiddushin dafim 2-8
4YITZY LabowitzGittin dafim 67-70
16Yona NewmarkYevamos dafim 107-122
11Zach LiebowitzKiddushin dafim 13-23
      31 people signed up for 293 dafim   export



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