Learn for נזריה אילה בת תמר (N. M.)
Refuah Shelema

Dear Family,
As you may (or may not) be aware, Savta will, IYH, be starting a new regimen of treatments on Monday. We would like to see if we can pool our efforts and complete saying Sefer Tehillim DAILY, for approximately 8-10 weeks, when we expect the doctors to evaluate its success. There is potential for difficult side effects, so let us all daven that this will be the refuah that we are hoping for and that Savta is able to tolerate it without much discomfort. If 30 (or more) of us take one section and say it daily, the entire sefer will be said every day in her זכות.
Multiple signups are enabled after all slots have been taken. Thanks for your participation!
To join this siyum of Tehilim, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Tehilim Reading should start on or after 13 Heshvan 5783 (Monday, November 07, 2022) .
Please read DAILY until 28 Tevet 5783 (Saturday, January 21, 2023) (75 days total)

Tehilim Siyum is 90% Assigned
(27/30 parts)

current signup list

Tehilim divided into 30 parts. (as in day of month)

√ch.1-9 (part 1) √ch.10-17 (part 2) √ch.18-22 (part 3)
√ch.23-28 (part 4) √ch.29-34 (part 5) √ch.35-38 (part 6)
√ch.39-43 (part 7) √ch.44-48 (part 8) √ch.49-54 (part 9)
√ch.55-59 (part 10) √ch.60-65 (part 11) √ch.66-68 (part 12)
√ch.69-71 (part 13) √ch.72-76 (part 14) ch.77-78 (part 15)
√ch.79-82 (part 16) √ch.83-87 (part 17) ch.88-89 (part 18)
√ch.90-96 (part 19) √ch.97-103 (part 20) √ch.104-105 (part 21)
ch.106-107 (part 22) √ch.108-112 (part 23) √ch.113-118 (part 24)
√ch.119 (part 25) √ch.119 (part 26) √ch.120-134 (part 27)
√ch.135-139 (part 28) √ch.140-144 (part 29) √ch.145-150 (part 30)

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Current Signups

1Aripart 12
1חיים שלמהpart 1
1Debbiepart 7
1C S Mpart 11
1IZ and BZpart 27
1Chava Rivka Rubinpart 20
1Gavriel Rubinpart 21
1Chavi Zaretpart 9
2Sury Morgulisparts 25-26
1אליעזר זבולןpart 17
1Gail Morgulispart 28
1Aron T Morgulispart 13
1Michalpart 19
1Nava Polatsekpart 30
1Peripart 5
1Shaindel Morgulispart 14
1Tovapart 3
1Yaelpart 23
1Yehuda Bpart 10
1Rochelpart 29
1Yoselepart 8
1Renee Tehillimpart 16
1Yossi Kreschpart 24
1Yitzpart 2
1Elazarpart 4
      26 people signed up for 27 parts   export



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